January is full of advertising for the latest diets to try so that you can shed a few pounds. It can be a very tempting to try something new to get that quick fix, I definitely have tried a few crazy diets in my time. However, the quick fix never seems to last and I’ve found that the best way to lose or maintain weight is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. But it can be so tough to do the planning needed to eat a balanced diet when you’re busy. That’s why I decided to leave the corporate world and set up Bon App, so that I can take all the hassle out of meal planning and help people to eat happier and healthier.
My meal plans are a bit like a diet, in the sense that all you need to do is follow the plans each week and you can feel confident that you are eating tasty and healthy weekday meals. But I know it can be tough to cook completely new recipes all the time. That’s why there are only 5 recipes in the plan, so that you can have weekend’s off. So, I hope one of your new year’s resolutions is to cook more Bon App recipes!
On the plan this week, I have included a Corsican chestnut soup to celebrate Corsican Day on Wednesday. With its diversity of landscape, from mountains to rivers and the sea, Corsica has an abundance of ingredients that create a unique Corsican cuisine. Famous for chestnuts, prizuttu ham and herbs from the Maquis to name a few that I have used in the recipe. Simply replace the prizuttu with bacon and the Corsican herbs with mixed herbs if you are unable to find them in your local supermarket.
Monday: Turkey escalope with avocado pesto spaghetti

Tuesday: Red bean and chorizo hamburger

Wednesday: Corsican chestnut soup

Thursday: Winter vegetable curry

Friday: Salmon stuffed cabbage